Our values

Health and Wellness: We prioritize providing a non-caffeinated, health-focused coffee alternative with benefits like improved digestion and reduced inflammation.

Community Support: Rooted in a personal health journey, we aim to create a supportive community for individuals on their healing journey, emphasizing that they are not alone.

Respect for the Earth: We recognize the impact of our work on the environment and strive to promote fresnhess in our products by being closer to the source, taking care of the land, and knowing the people involved in harvesting the plants.

Our Founder, Aubrey Stalnaker

Growing up with chronic stomachaches and digestive issues, I suffered in silence until my twenties thinking chronic gut pain was normal. I discovered I was gluten intolerant. This instantly transformed my life, calming my nerves and gut. New allergic reactions began to emerge from foods I loved, baffling all specialists again. My food anxiety increased and my body was not happy. In 2020, a dietitian's article on histamine intolerance and mold exposure resonated with my experience, leading me to change my diet and lifestyle completely. I found a supportive community through the low histamine diet easing my isolation and curbing my food anxiety. Amidst this struggle, my partner introduced me to dandelion root, a healing herb. This invited the joy back into my morning ritual. It is now my purpose to share dandelion root and other incredible plants with you!